Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch by Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy was the guy behind The 40 Days of Purpose campaigns for Rick Warren's church in Saddleback. He left that job to start a church in New York city. Following his successes at planting numerous churches, including the one in New York, he decided to write this book: Launch.

Searcy has written other books that I want to get my hands on; including one on moving first-time guests to servers in the church. This seems to be a crisis for many Christian churches in America. The lazy-do-everything-for-me attitude has finally taken control.

Launch is more a how-to book for church planters. You will find correct ideas on how to properly set up and build a brand new church.

Seeing as my church is moving through the process of changing its name, I found some good ideas within.

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