Monday, September 15, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Too much bad language. Too much.

I don't understand why Ben Stiller thought this would be funny. There was some promise to this film. It could have been really funny. With a cast like Tropic Thunder had, you would think this film would be unstoppable.

You have Ben Stiller as the action hero Tugg Speedman, Jack Black as the drug addict Jeff Portnoy, and Robert Downey Jr as Australian actor Kirk Lazarus who changed the color of his skin for the role.

These guys are trying to make a big budget war movie. But things aren't going so well. They're behind scheduled and tempers are flaring. So the director and author of the book, decide to fly the actors into the middle of the jungle and have them think they are making the movie. (Think The Three Amigos)

There are some drug cartels in the forest who think the actors are DEA agents and we let the games begin. Stiller's character gets abducted by a child-led drug group and forced to replay a mentally retarded character. This is where the film goes from lame to just stupid.

Supporting cast includes Tom Cruise as a foul-mouthed studio exec. and Matthew McConaughy as Stiller's agent.

The constant crude language and horrible story kept me from enjoying what should/could have been a great comedy. They don't all have to be rated R you know.

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