Both Rome and The USA are "empires". Both use the expression peace through force. Both were occupying another country.
Whether you agree with Bell's accusations, his conclusions bring out some great thought and debate. Check out some of these stats:
Every 7 seconds, a child under age 5 dies of hunger. Americans throw away 14 % of their food.
More than half of the world lives on less than 2 dollars a day. The average American teenager spends $150 a week.
Most of the people in the world do not own a car. 1/3 of American families own 3 cars.
Americans spend more annually on trash bags than half the world does on all goods.
These stats are found on page 122 $ 123 of the book. And they're not meant to give you guilt. They aren't meant to give you reason to hate America. They are meant to get you off your seat and be passionate about the things Jesus is passionate about.
While not as good as Velvet Elvis or Sex God, Jesus Wants to Save Christians is a great read for any follower of Christ.
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