Monday, March 2, 2009

At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft

This review is a testament to the power of pop culture and viral campaigning.

I found this book at the library because after the first trailer for Cloverfield came out, people started talking about how the monster in that movie could be the monster from one of Lovecraft's stories.

As you can tell from the cover, these are horror stories.

The first story in this collection is called At the Mountains of Madness which tells the story of a group of people wanting to explore the arctic wastes. While they're there, one of their group members discovers some kind of "thing". Of course they lose contact with him and send another team to find out what went wrong...

Have you ever seen the movie, The Thing? That's what this story reminded me of.

Next in the line up is a short story titled, The Shunned House. This tells the story of a boy and his uncle who decides to investigate a house that, mysteriously, most of the owners have died in. There's a climax of staying over night in the basement and...well you get the idea.

There are two other stories but I think I've spent enough time in this book and genre...not exactly my cup of tea.

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