Monday, June 15, 2009

The Disappearance of God by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

R. Albert Mohler Jr. has written a response to the deterioration of Christianity. In The Disappearance of God Mohler goes on the attack against post-modernism, the Emergent Church and its most prominent spokesman, Brian McLaren.

In the small book, we are privy to a loving reaction to a number of problems found within Church walls. These problems include: lack of teaching on sin, the absence of hell in biblical teaching, why the Emerging Church, under McLaren, is on a dangerous path toward heresy, why the church has removed itself from proper discipline and why pastors no longer preach exposition.

At first glance, those topics may seem boring and very fundamental. However Mohler points out the dangers to this new way of behaving in church that will keep you turning the pages.

He doesn't exactly support his views with Scripture (I missed the footnotes) and this book would be ridiculed by most in the post-modern worldview but his is a voice that is trying to salvage the basic foundations of the Christian faith. Mohler's point is that, contrary to post-modern thought, there is Truth that is truth for everyone. The pluralistic society we find ourselves living in can lead to the destruction of authentic Christian faith.

You can purchase and find more information about The Disappearance of God by going to the Random House Publishing website here.

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