Thursday, June 4, 2009

The First Paul by Marcus Borg

Marcus Borg and John D. Crossan have teamed up again in The First Paul.

In this book, they describe how there are multiple versions of Paul in The New Testament including the radical Paul, the conservative Paul, the pseudo Paul and others.

They point out the differences found in the letters from Paul and how one man couldn't have written all of them because of their differences.

They tackle such issues as Christ "dying for us". Borg and Crossan believe that Paul didn't see Jesus dying for our sins as many evangelical Christians do today. Paul, in their opinion, saw Christ's death as a model for early Christ-followers to live out. "To die and rise again in Christ"

It's amazing how scholarly Borg and Crossan can be when it comes to historicity but take such a sharp turn when it comes to biblical truth.

That being said, Borg's books are much easier to read than N.T. Wright's.

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