Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen

When you mix Chicken Soup for the Soul and Multiple Streams of Income, you get Cash in a Flash.

Hansen and Allen have written 2 books for you to enjoy. If you're the linear-learning type of person, you'll read the left-hand pages; if you're the picture person, you'll read the right-hand pages.

Here is how you can get cash in a flash - according to these authors:

#1 Wow Now - Invision yourself getting a lot of money.
#2 Inner Winner - Convince yourself you can get a lot of money.
#3 Dream Team - Gather with people who can talk you into convincing yourself to get a lot of money.

That is the first part (and majority) of the book; a lot of mental and psychological practices to rid your imagination of all the negative "voices" in your head. They tell you to make your negative voice sound like Mickey Mouse and turn down his volume whenever he speaks to you.

The last 3 chapters deal with the ideas which include: real estate, writing a book, and sales.

After reading this book I had some ideas of what I could do. However I don't think I could ask people to pay me $2,000 to write a chapter in a book I was writing. (But that's my negative Mickey Mouse voice talking)

When all is said and done, this is not the kind of how-to book people are looking for.

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