Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Church of Facebook by Jesse Rice

This is not what I was expecting when I picked up this book. I thought it was going to be about how to run a church via Facebook.

The Church of Facebook deals with how that program is changing our culture - community.

Author Jesse Rice leads you through a number of examples where inventions brought about great culture change: The Millennium Bridge, The World island of Dubai, and air conditioning to name a few.

Rice explains how Facebook is allowing us to feel connected, control, and at home in a setting that is anything but.

It's not until the last chapter when he brings Jesus into the mix and how we should adapt our online experience to that of Jesus' style with the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob.

If nothing else, it's incredible to read about how Facebook was created, how Dubai is creating new islands to purchase and all the other stories included in this book.

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