Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Green Mama by Tracey Bianchi

Want to have a guide to help you be guilt-free? You may want to check out Green Mama by Tracey Bianchi.

Each chapter is devoted to how you can help "go green" as a parent with children creating chaos in your home. Yes it is possible to be environmentally friendly and raise kids.

At the end of each chapter are resources and tips in how you can practically go green. Bianchi calls these Green Steps.

I must confess that I tended to skip past what she wrote in order to read the steps at the end of each chapter.

You'll learn how to start small by taking baby steps toward your new greeness, and how to select certain types of material used in clothing. Ever heard of stainless steel sippy cups?

I think the biggest obstacle for a parent to go green is the labor that it would take to make these changes. It's just so much easier to purchase stuff from Wal Mart or Sams.

I loved the resources that this book packs. If nothing else, it's a good place to start and begin doing your own research in what you can do.
Green Mama: The Guilt-Free Guide to Helping You and Your Kids Save the Planet

This book was provided for review by Zondervan Publishing

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