He has combined his sales experience with his grandfather's military field manual to create a 22-day devotional book. It is only 207 pages, so don't expect a large novel.
Cunningham begins each day with a blurb from an old military field manual, continues with a Bible verse and then offers a couple pages of commentary dealing with Sales and Christianity. He closes with a written prayer and a section to add your thoughts.
I had no problem reading this devotional until I got to Day 11. In the commentary section, Cunningham writes, "Even before time was recorded, God created Jesus Christ and had a no-fail plan to share Him and His life-giving sacrifice with us at a perfect time in history."
Did you catch that? God created Jesus Christ?!?!
I wrote Chris because he offers his e-mail at the back of the book for questions. Look through the comments below to read his reply.
With the exception of that slip, this is a fine book to give as a gift to your friend who is in sales.
This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson Publishing.

I enjoyed reading your review. I recently joined the Booksneeze blogger review program, and came across your review, and then browsed your blog. I've tried signing up for a few blogger review programs, but wanted to ask-how did you sign up for the Zondervan and B&H review programs? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
This was sent to me by the author as a reply:
Thank you for reading "Jungle Warfare." I am thankful that it served you and most of all that it honored God.
I love your question and I am thankful that you reached out to me. My understanding of God comes from a childlike faith and not a
theologian's perspective so I may at times make mistakes or find new
ways to grow.
I basically meant that God had and always will have a Divine plan.
Part of that plan was to share a part of Himself that He promised in
Scriptures would come one day as our Messiah. That part of Him was
(and is) Jesus Christ: Son; Savior; God; Man Without Sin; The Messiah.
Another part of God is the Holy Spirit. All are separate but equal
parts of the Holy Trinity in the most traditional sense of that
mysterious Union.
I hope my word choice did not bring confusion where I only meant to bring Light. If so, please accept my apology and know that I believe in Jesus Christ as God's only Son; as God Himself; and as the only way to Heaven.
Thank you also for sharing the book with your friends. My prayer is that it will help guide folks to God's Heart.
God Bless You,
Christopher A. Cunningham
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