This is a terrific movie. It was a great counter to the failure that was Where the Wild Things Are.
There is a secret government group comprised of monsters. These monsters are released to combat an alien bent on the earth's enslavement.
While this was released in 3D, I was unable to see it in that format.
The voices are provided by: Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen, Hugh Laurie, Will Arnett, Kiefer Sutherland, Stephen Colbert and many others.
Casting Colbert as the President was genius. He steals the show. Every single line is laugh out loud. My particular favorite has to do with "Code Brown" because he has to change his pants.
Dreamworks has been trying to steal some of the thunder from Pixar for years. This film is great for the entire family to watch and not have to worry about subtle, inappropriate humor.
Rent this tonight!
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