Monday, April 11, 2011

The Fight of Our Lives by William Bennett & Seth Leibsohn

William Bennett is back with a political concern for our country against radical Islam. The Fight of Our Lives is supposed to help arm us with information to prevent our country from become a Muslim nation.

Bennett and Leibsohn do an adequate job of praising and critiquing both Republicans and Democrats when it comes to upholding what they believe the United States stands for and what we should do to stay vigilant against those who want to control us. (or kill us)

You may feel startled after reading some of the descriptions and the purpose of radical Islam. You may get crazy ideas in your head that our leaders need to "nuke 'em" just to keep us safe.

By speaking the truth, Bennett may be adding to the fire of fear but, in truth, this is pretty scary stuff.

After first talking about the Fort Hood shootings, the authors take you on a little history lesson on why things are the way they are. Then it's off to the races as they zip through many of the current terrorist activities that made it to our headlines.

With 8 chapters and an interesting epilogue, The Fight of Our Lives is a book that needs to be discussed and debated. I think we need to continue talking about this.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Thomas Nelson Publishing.
The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam

I review for BookSneeze®

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