Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Engage by Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy has written about his system for integrating first-time guests into active members, and creating a fantastic small group system. It makes sense that he would have a system for worship planning.

Divided into 4 parts, Searcy explains that a church needs a proper worship philosophy, a pastor needs to have a preaching calendar that is a year long, how to work and plan on the entire worship service, and then how to evaluate the service(s) once they have concluded.

Throughout the book you'll read personal testimonies from other church leaders who have implemented the details of Engage. (Those I skipped over...I found them distracting)

Searcy offers the same website, after each segment, where you can go and download examples and other "helps" that his church has used.

98% of the content of this book is rather useful. I enjoy Searcy's style of writing. He provides alot of information, with a kind of pep-talk, go-get-'em enthusiasm.

Engage feels just like his other books. It's based on a system of doing the behind-the-scenes work to create a better environment within your church and a more positive attitude within your congregation.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by BakerBooks Publishing.

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