Monday, October 10, 2011

Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven by Rory Noland

Noland gives us perspective on worshiping God from both the Old and New Testaments.

In part one, we learn about Growing as a Private Worshiper. Noland takes us through an overview of of David and his psalms. Through the example of David, we see that we need to:

Make Worship a Priority
Establish a Regular Routine
Smash Your Idols
Worship Amidst Adversity

This section is full of ideas for how to incorporate each aspect to your own life. Noland explains that it's much easier to establish this kind of routine while away on a retreat than to try something like this during the hectic, everyday life. Even so, he believes we can start small and work it gradually into our life.

Next comes part 2; Growing as a Corporate Worshiper. In this section we dive into the book of Revelation as a source for corporate worship.

Focus on God's Attributes
Bring God Your Best Worship
Set Aside Personal Preferences
Embrace Diversity

Finally, he ends with a great section called, Let's Worship Like We're Already There.

Noland offers advice that is basic. This is designed for the layperson in church who wants an introduction to understanding what worship truly is. Contrary to popular belief that it all depends of how the music makes you feel, worship is designed for God alone.

I wasn't able to engage this book as it seemed like stuff I had read over and over again. I really wanted to enjoy it. Honest. I simply wasn't able to. Maybe for you, this is exactly what you need.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Zondervan.

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