Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How God Became King by N.T. Wright

N.T. Wright wrote about something that, I must admit, I didn't see as deficient in Western churches.

In How God Became King, Mr. Wright unveils what the four gospels collectively say: in and through Jesus, God became King of the world. 

His argument is that many people have forgotten this story and decided to rely on the church creeds of antiquity. As I said, I have never ran into this problem. For the churches that I've been part of, it's always been about Jesus and the Kingdom of God that he inaugurated.

Having said that, this is still Wright directly on target. His books never fail to connect with me.

Like his previous book, Simply Jesus, this one reads like a slimmed-down version of his longer books from the past. (see Christian Origins and the History of God books) He actually says the same thing he's been saying for the past few books.

You'll read four parts in how we need to readjust the volume of the four points found within the story of the gospels: The Climactic Story of Israel, The Story of Jesus as the Story of Israel's God, The Launching of God's Renewed People and the Clash of the Kingdoms.

Wright explains that the church has lowered some levels and raised other levels to the point where we don't recognize the themes. He claims we're simply a group of Christians who read the Bible as God providing a way for us to escape this wicked world.

But the Gospels are much much more.

Classic Wright with his typical lines, "There isn't enough space to write about that here" and "see this other book that I've read to continue with the idea".

One can never go wrong with Wright.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by HarperOne Publishing.

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