Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pastorpreneur by John Jackson

I'm not sure how I feel about pastoring a church like an entrepreneur.

Dr. John Jackson has used this format with his church and he has shared these ideas with us in this book.

There has been much debate about how a church should be led and how the structure should be formatted. Bill Hybels has been successful at treating his church brand as a business with Willowcreek. Arguments for this format and against it are filled with passion.

This book is divided into three parts. The first part is contains four chapters detailing vision: the call of the vision, how to dream the vision, planting it and then growing your vision for the church.

Part two is the meat and potatoes of the book: Five strategies to birth spiritual life in the community. #1 is grab the attention of the community. Jackson goes into very general ideas as to how a church can grab your local areas attention. #2 is all about strategic partnerships (in other words, networking). I think at this point everyone understands that to grow a successful business-like church, you need to have strong business ties with Type A personalities who have lots of money and influence. #3 is what Jackson calls Big Faith-Building Events. Again this is soaked with churchy-lingo but boils down to bigger is better with high quality details. Is this a wrong attitude to have? It's up to you and the rest of the debate. #4 is about finding your niche in ministry. Age-appropriate, hobbies, or any other areas for connection. #5 is about mentoring and spreading the influence.

Part three highlights keeping the vision fresh and putting it into practical action. Pretty quick and easy as the bookend.

I think there are some values to glean from this type of style and structure, I'm just not sure how comfortable I am with it.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by IVP Books.

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