Saturday, January 5, 2013

Identity by Ted Dekker

Ted Dekker is trying the "episodic" e-book route. There will be four smaller e-books that will compile a regular-sized novel titled Eyes Wide Open.

Christy and Austin are friends who find themselves in an impossible situation that would strike fear in the heart of anyone. What if you stumble into a psych ward with no identification to prove who you are and the doctors mistake you for their new patients? 

The first chapter was difficult for me to get through. But I discovered that chapter one is simply the incline before this roller-coaster takes off.

As the first book of a four-book series, Identity is a short, fast read. It has the typical Dekker-laced plot. You will not be able to breathe until you see the "Continue with Mirrors, book 2" at the end. The characters move forward in pace with the story. There is nothing slowing down this master storyteller.

As he did with Thr3e, Dekker will have you questioning your own reasoning and conclusions with this first book. Nothing is as it seems and Ted is the perfect writer for giving your brain a twist.

I can't wait to start Mirrors!

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