Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bend Your Brain

Do you love Sudoku? Are you a fan of brain puzzles?

If so, you'll get a kick out of this book.

This is 167 pages of puzzles designed to grow your mind! You'll find a variety of puzzles that are specifically geared toward different parts of your mind. Some are super easy, many are mind-blowingly hard.

The creators were kind enough to provide the solutions at the back of the book, but don't turn there too quickly and miss out on the eureka moment of solution.

Along the way you'll read quick facts about your brain that you probably never thought about.

I found some of the pages to be quite busy with images and puzzles. Sometimes too busy as my eyes had trouble focusing on just one part. But this book will give you a run for your money as far as your brain power is concerned.

This is a great book for puzzlers.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Three Rivers Press.

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