Tuesday, January 20, 2015

You Can Adopt Without Debt by Julie Leanne Gumm

Thinking about adoption can be a daunting task because you're thinking about the costs. Even with the credits and grants, the entire endeavor can be overwhelming.

Gumm provides an excellent resource for people interested in the adoption process. She provides plenty of ideas and options for anyone pursuing one of three types of adoption avenues.

You will read the pros and cons for Foster Care Adoption, Domestic Adoption, and International Adoption.

Just quickly going through those might be overwhelming but stick with her because she has gone through the process and gives plenty of streamlined thoughts and routes. She talks about budgeting and  fundraising ideas as well as grants and where to find the right one to fit your family.

Adoption is expensive but after reading this book, you'll have plenty in your financial arsenal to make this endeavor a reality.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Abingdon Press.

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