Interviews with J.I. Packer, Dallas Willard, John Perkins, Eugene Peterson and others are splattered throughout this book.
The main premise is why have Christians been seduced by worldly influences and how can we choose Christ over worldly relevance and influence.
Broken into two parts: Discovering the Way and Embracing the Way each part has five chapters that deal with what I would figure pretty much every Christian leader struggles with. What are the ways of power? How is there power in weakness? How can we stand against the powers? What is the power of the Lamb and the power of faithfulness?
These topics highlight the discussions these authors have with their guests.
They offer wonderful advice. It is really more of a refresher, almost felt like I was reading a minister's retreat conference or something.
It's a book that one would return to in order to refresh their mindset again and again.
This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Thomas Nelson Publishing.
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