Jack Reacher, in the mind of Child, is a hulking guy and not at all the size of Tom Cruise. There are repeated points of emphasis on this size thing as Reacher is nicknamed Bigfoot.
I have only read one other Jack Reacher story. I have seen both movies. The first story I read surprised me. It had been given to me as a gift and it remained on my shelf, unread, for a long time. When I finally opened it, I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't the typical sort of book I would read but it gave me a couple days of entertainment with some crime-deduction going on.
This story is more in line with current events - dealing with the drug epidemic going on throughout the country. It isn't really action-packed or thrills-a-page sort of deal. This is a steady walk through untangling a knot that grows thicker as you go.
Child does well inside Reacher's mind and he should as he's written how many of them?
This was a good book for fans of the Jack Reacher saga. I'm not sure if it's a book for everyone, the author's name certainly lends some star power and the movies might pull in some more readers.
But I wonder, after a while, with so many books following the same character, does the reader ever get over-saturated with it? Or does it become simply that you want to go on the journey with the character even though you pretty much know how things are going to progress and end up.
This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Delacorte Press.
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