Tuesday, June 17, 2008

House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo

When King family move to a small town, 15 year old Xander (short for Alexander) is not happy. But his brother and sister, David, and Toria (short for Victoria) are captivated by the many rooms in the old Victorian fixer-upper they move into.

Soon they find that there is something odd about the house. There see giant footprints in the dust, sounds come from all over the house and when Xander and David walk through a doorway in the second floor, they find themselves in a locker at the local school...

Xander and David discover that there is a portal to far away places and different periods of time. Their father seems to know something about the house but isn't talking. And then the horror happens.

Thus begins the Dreamhouse Kings series.

I don't know why two of the characters have their names shortened to create this unique looking name...well maybe that's the reason.

Liparulo has written three novels I have read, Comes a Horseman, Germ and Deadfall. Like Ted Dekker, this is his first in a series of young adult novels. I must say I enjoyed this novel more than Dekker's young adult series.

House of Dark Shadows is a well thought out story. Liparulo will keep you turning the pages trying to figure out all the mysteries in this house. And because it's a series, you will be in for a thrilling ride.

I cannot wait for book 2, Watcher in the Woods.

5 out of 5 stars here!

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