Friday, September 5, 2008

Watcher in the Woods by Robert Liparulo

Book 2 of the Dreamhouse Kings series by Robert Liparulo focuses on the second oldest son, David. We witness what it's like for a middle child to go through the first day of school in a new area.

We deal with bullies and their warped view of how things work, and we get to experience a twisted town that the King family has moved in to. What's the secret this place is holding back?

The family also begins their search for their kidnapped mother through the bizarre portals found within their new home.

As with classic Liparulo style, the characters are fleshed out perfectly. Each time you read about one of the family members, your concern for them grows. You want to keep flipping through the short chapters to find out what happens next.

However, this second book is not as engaging as the first. There are new characters that bring some nice twists to the story which will lead us further into the series. The ending has a great cliff-hanger.

I still find Liparulo's Dreamhouse Kings young adult series to be better written than Ted Dekker's Lost Books young adult series.

4 out of 5 stars for this book!

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