Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Dark Knight by Dennis O'Neil

I picked The Dark Knight up from the library while I was hoping to get a different book. I saw it on the "new books" stand, and had it finished in two days. (or maybe one)

I hadn't heard of author, Dennis O'Neil before, but it looks like he's really into writing comics. He's also written the novel tie-in with the Iron Man movie.

Like most movie tie-in novels, O'Neil gives us a little more background into the characters' thoughts and feelings. However, maybe because I have seen this movie three times, I really didn't care about what the characters were thinking.

I found myself mentally keeping myself from skipping ahead to the parts that I remembered from the film.

This book isn't a waste of time by any means. It isn't as good as the movie though. Sometimes books add a dimension lacking in movies, but this one just couldn't provide that addition.

Stick with the movie if I were you!

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