Parminder Nagra (televisions E.R.) plays a girl who is dealing with living with her Indian family and having the skills to play soccer. Her family does not want her to play soccer. They want her to find a good Indian man and be a good Indian wife.
Keira Knightley (Pirates of the Caribbean) watches Parminder play soccer with some guys in a park and asks her to play with their team coached by Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Can you see where this is headed? Let me fill it in for you. Keira likes the coach. Parminder, while intoxicated, falls in love with the coach as well. Problems, problems, problems.
Meanwhile, Parminder's family believe she is secretly dating an English boy because they see her and Keira hugging (Keira has short hair) and Keira's parents believe Keira is gay because they see the two girls hugging and being girly alot.
This isn't my kind of film. I actually got it because my wife heard the soundtrack somewhere and thought it was cool.
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