Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everything Must Change by Brian McLaren

Brian McLaren continues his journey of promoting the story of Jesus into the post-modern world.

With Everything Must Change, McLaren attempts to prove that Jesus would be a promoter of Social Justice.

I have to say, this book was hard to read. Not because I didn't agree with everything Brian wrote, but that he used the words "story" and "system" too frequently. This idea that certain words are key to post-modern readers is silly.

Brian claims we suffer from a suicidal system that contains 3 interlocking systems: The Security System, The Prosperity System and The Equity System.

See how you can get sick of the repetition?

According to McLaren and his Emergent views, Jesus and people of faith must move beyond "hot button" topics like global warming and abortion. We need to get our nations to spend less on weapons and more on peace-making.

Some people would accuse McLaren as an Obama-socialist hidden in the guise of religion. And he would respond that it's beyond that; the way of following Jesus is more than being dubbed a Capitalist or Communist or Socialist. Those are all different sides to the same coin. Jesus offers us a new coin, as it were.

The book is long. And the repetitions almost destroy an interesting journey through putting our faith into practice. And organizing our religion.
Everything Must Change: When the World's Biggest Problems and Jesus' Good News Collide

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