Monday, September 27, 2010

Nudge by Leonard Sweet

I opened this latest Sweet book with great anticipation. I loved Jesus Manifesto. So when I began reading Nudge: Awakening Each Other to the God Who's Already There I was hoping for another dose of author-goodness.

Sweet has a way with words. You will read many comments about his use of metaphor. However, this gift of words is my biggest issue with Nudge.
There are too many of them.

While I enjoyed reading about how to reveal a God who is already here, I found it difficult to finish each chapter. There was just so much going on.

Perhaps if some of the ideas were trimmed down, the book would be more readable.

Having said that, you will get a new viewpoint in evangelism. You will appreciate the idea of nudging people.

You'll learn how to use:
Your ears: listening to God
Your stomach: tasting Jesus
Your eyes: seeing the Kingdom
Your hands: touching Jesus
Your nose: breathing Jesus

It's not about taking Jesus to people, as Sweet writes, He's already there. We get to open their eyes to His work.

Bottom line: Lots of words for a refreshing idea.
Nudge: Awakening Each Other to the God Who's Already There

This book was provided for review by David Cook Publishing

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