Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Attack of the Theocrats by Sean Faircloth

Faircloth is not a fan of religion. He despises the fact that it interrupts to flow of rational governing. Or so was my perception of reading Attack of the Theocrats.

Faircloth is Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America. Before that, he served in Maine's legislature.

When the forward is written by Richard Dawkins and the cover has a three-headed monster with the likeness of Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney(wait, what?) you kinda have an idea where this book is heading.

The cover is a misrepresentation of the actual book, I'd have to say. You may expect a vindictive attack on people who use faith in their policies but that isn't the complete picture.

Faircloth is not happy with how religious non-profits get a tax break and a bending of the rules while horrible stories have been shared about how a child was killed because a faith-based care center didn't have the same safety rules as a head-start program. He rails against some of the countries Founding Fathers were actually quite secular when it came to writing their thoughts about governing.

You'll read how the religious are breaking down the wall of separation between church and state, how the Religious Right's fight for their kind of morality is actually harming the country.

His big push is for Secularism to be the new Born Again in the United States and the West. It is his belief that common sense and reason alone are the saviors of humanity.

Let me say it again, he really hates religion and the fact that they get tax breaks. He does not, however, write as a crazy leftist loon. His arguments are quite admirable. He's been at this for a while and he knows his information. I'd like to see if religious organizations/people are the only ones who have horrible stories about children dying or maybe we could find those kind of stories involved throughout the world regardless of faith-based rules.

He includes a list of groups you can contact and join to help him in his cause, including his own (which he lays out fairly heavy).

Let's admit that there are some political characters who haven't expressed themselves in the best of way when it comes to the heart of following Christ and how that looks in the political arena. However, I'm not a big fan of this book. Christians will bash this book while atheists will sing its praises. Is there any room for middle ground?

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Pitchstone Publishing

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