Monday, May 7, 2018

I'd Like You More If You Were More Like Me by John Ortberg

Doesn't everyone have this feeling at least once in every relationship? Yes we enjoy the differences but we secretly want things to be our way.

John Ortberg has written a terrific book about dealing with our intimacy issues. And we're not necessarily talking about that kind of intimacy.

This books is used to answer a number of what if questions. And they all fit inside 14 sharply written chapters.

I enjoyed reading through the idea of if relationships with flesh and blood people are so difficult, why do we think a relationship with an invisible God would be any less difficult?

I enjoy Ortberg's writing style. It is very comfortable and well informed.

You'll learn to avoid relationship pitfalls, how to make God an active part of your everyday life, and how to recognized connection points.

This is a good book to read on relationships.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Tyndale Publishing.

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