This books covers a number of genres and it's done very well.
Alicen is living the so-called dream in California until horrific tragedy destroys everything. She then travels to her old stomping grounds and meets up with a childhood friend. But then the twists start happening as she begins to hear "things" and you start to wonder, "what in the world is going on with this poor girl?"
Dekker does a great job keeping you guessing throughout the story. She ramps up the tension in that the last fifteen to twenty percent of the book could be called a throw-down thriller.
Her ability to evoke such emotion for Alicen is phenomenal. The anxiety and the grief, the withdrawal into depression. The ability to get your heart racing with words is the true mark of this author. Let alone when writing about emotions and feelings inside a person's head.
Then the voice start, right?
This is a great book for Rachelle Dekker because it shows the readers that she can step out from her father's shadow. Her first trilogy felt like her dad had a hand in the story. That's okay, I guess, for someone's first outing but this book shouts out loud, "I can do this on my own!" And it's a great work.
The emotion is felt, the anxiety of not knowing what exactly is going to happen, the thrilling aspects toward the end make this a great book to read.
This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Tyndale House Publishing.
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