Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pursuing Justice by Ken Wytsma

It's difficult for me to review this book and not because it was poorly written or because I disagreed with the points.

In point of fact, Wytsma lays out some fantastic groundwork and creative ideas to get anyone's juices flowing for living bigger than what we see.

You'll be consumed with the 19 chapters that cover all things from Wytsma's own life to theological insights, history lessons and social overviews.

He first covers the bases of what is justice? How will we define it? Then he pours it on quick and thick. Seriously, this book has so much but every page of it should be consumed slowly.
How to know God through justice.
What does the Gospel say about justice.
Where justice and love intertwine.
Why justice is always social.
And so much more...

Here's my deal, my review isn't as praiseworthy as it should be because I just wasn't "with it" while reading it. I went through the chapters agreeing with him all the way and found myself nodding with his points and even raising my eyebrows when he would throw me a zinger or two. But, to me, I was reading another Christian Get-With-It tome.

There is nothing wrong with this book at all. In fact, I would recommend my friends to read this and then act upon it.

This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Thomas Nelson Publishing.
I review for BookSneeze®

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